After church we headed back to the Trasks to say hello to more family then headed out to the Ulrich festivities. Troy found his basket in the house within 3 minutes of getting there, it happened to be nearby toys & now he knew that there was apparently something special with eggs going on today, so he grabbed it before it was the actual "search" time. Then we headed outside for some more egg hunting!
Love this photo, he looks so sweet!
Trying to convince him to put the egg in the basket & keep looking, notice all the competition in the background.
Ulrich cousins! The best photo of them together, not without many more attempts mind you, there were many snapping cameras, but the little ones on the end gave us a total of 10 seconds maybe to get the shot. When I took the egg out of Troy's mouth that was the end of it! Gotta love all the boys, with another boy cousin joining them in June, we need more girls!!
Looks like you had a great Easter. I love the skyping obsession (how could you make that work in church. . . )
It's so fun to see are kids grow together. Tonight Karsen prayed for Troy and Logan it was so cute!They love each other!
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