I love this picture of my guys before church this past Sunday!
The family.
Starting to smile for the camera when asked to!
Another precious smile!
Looking like a chunky cheek's boy, although also "smiling" for the camera.
Getting so big, he loves to stand now!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
8 MONTHS (a little late)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Latest
Enjoying toes at the beach!
Finally some food . . . my first pretzel!
Hanging with my dad.
Entertained by a wind up little chick with my cousins Logan & Carter.
Now entertained by Carter! Troy & Logan are only 2 months apart, but seeming to close the gap as days go by. This was the closest I've experienced to having twins . . . crazy!
Me & my grandma "G"!
Swimming in Vegas!
Exhausted by swimming so long, he literally fell asleep in my arms & napped for an hour or so in the room afterwards! Mark took us on our first family vacation, a mini-trip to Vegas for my birthday. It was laid back & a lot of fun!
Out to dinner in Vegas!
Troy's tourist grandparents! They kindly joined us in Vegas so Mark & I could go to the temple Saturday morning. We were so excited, checked the session times & everything . . . unfortunately we didn't check to closed for cleaning dates & were only able to drive by it . . . what a bummer!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Went to JC Penny again to take pictures since I didn't make it at 6 months. He's getting so big, but boy do we love his smiles. He has so many different expressions, you know exactly what he's thinking. The funny part about this photo session was that, above he RARELY if ever puts his hands together, they are often flailing about sporting the nickname "octopus" from his dad, but ironically he put his hands together for a split second & smiled . . too funny. Then on the bottom, with the baseball equipment, he kept trying to put the ball in his mouth (no surprise), but succeeded a few times, which to Marks horror was the most disgusting thing he'd ever seen, considering that ball looks about 50 years old & has probably been used in the baby photo department since then. Oh well, some germs are good aren't they? We love our little man!
6 month photo
I got this picture done for free at Kiddie Kandids when he was 6 months. I wasn't sure I'd get in to do regular pics since it was right around the time the Trask's came home, (which I didn't), but this was fun too & he did really good that day!