Well Troy has turned 2 months old already! As you can see he's growing & getting some cheeks now, needless to say he's a good eater. We love seeing his funny expressions & though he's still pretty camera shy with his smiles, we catch them every once in awhile on film. He loves to coo & talk to us now, especially after he's content & finished a meal, we love hearing his voice. Just the other day he started copying dad by sticking his tongue out, he was pretty excited & hasn't done that with mom yet! The most exciting development this month for mom is Troy deciding he likes a 2 1/2 hour nap in the afternoon. It has been a great addition to the day & sometimes goes even longer, I'm hoping he decides to be a lover of naps & sleeping like mom does! We're still having a great time as new parents & can't get enough of our little guy!!
1 month ago
He is so handsome!
ADORABLE!! The outfit fits already!He is so cute, I miss him! Love you guys.
Hey I found you on a few peoples blogs, and was shocked to find you have a son. Wes and I had no idea. Congrats!!! He looks so much like a Trask to me.
Hey! It was great to see you yesterday! He's adorable! :) We'll have to hang out sometime!
I can't believe that he is already 2 months old. I'm a horrible, horrible friend. I still need to get your baby shower present to you (like I said....I'm a horrible, horrible friend). You have a beautiful son (and yes, boys can be beautiful!!). We need to find some time to hang out. I miss you.
its so funny how fast they grow isn't it. He looks so much like mark in these pictures almost as much as logan looks like taylor.
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